Video Transcription
Mitch: Hey guy this is Mitch is from Big Dog, and we are going to give you a quick behind the scenes look of what happens behind the scenes. We're going to make a quick introduction of a few people. Hello Courtney!
Courtney (Jackie of all trades): Hi!
Mitch: Let me introduce you to my main pal Megan
Megan (Communication Ops): *smiling*
Mitch: Now we're going into where the rubber meets the road, or the "asphalt meets the racking". This is Dustin, he is one of our crew guys who goes around and does all sorts of jobs.
Camera Man: Do you love what you do?
Dustin (The Implementor): Oh, I love it yeah!
Mitch: This is Jason Liebe
Camera Man: You've got some big news to announce
Jason (Ring Leader): I do yeah, I got engaged!
Mitch: The man behind the curtain
Camera Man: OH man, the owner
Brad: I just help kick it off!
Mitch: So there you have it, this is Big Dog we work hard, play hard, treat each other like family. Welcome to the dinner table ya'll!
Camera Man: *laughing*
Mitch: We're going to give you a quick behind the scenes look on what happens with the wizard behind the curtain....that doesn't make any sense!
Camera Man: *laughing*
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