Commercial Solar - Stepping Into The Light With Social Responsibility

Established in 2010, Big Dog Solar is committed to bringing clean, renewable energy to businesses and homes while providing spectacular, individualized customer care. Big Dog Solar Energy understands that committing to an alternate power source, either to reduce cost or eliminate them entirely, is an important decision.

Why would a business invest in solar energy? Why add “unnecessary costs” to a company’s bottom line?

Three words: Corporate Social Responsibility.​

With increasing energy costs on a yearly basis, solar energy, in fact, has a high return on investment in a relatively short amount of time. Aside from the long-term cost reduction of commercial solar energy and the tax returns upon installation, corporate social responsibility helps build a sustainable tomorrow and improves society while increasing sales, boosting customer interest, and establishing differentiation from competitors.

What is corporate social responsibility? How does it relate to solar energy?

Corporate Social Responsibility, according to Investopedia, is “A corporation’s initiatives to assess and take responsibility for the company’s effects on environmental and social well being. The term generally applies to efforts that go beyond what may be required by regulators or environmental protection groups.”

In this case, the reduction of a company’s carbon footprint by harvesting energy from the sun would be the “social responsibility.” The reduction of a company’s carbon footprint innovatively demonstrates not only an investment in the consumers’ future, but also a bold statement of the predicted future status of the organization. This interest in the customers’ well-being and their future, as well as the long-term vision of the company attracts new clients while establishing a loyalty with the company’s current clientele.

Increase Customer Interest by harvesting the sun’s energy

As a company demonstrates interest in the community’s future by investing in solar energy, a positive public attitude toward the company’s brand is created. The business may easily establish an inviting reflection of the company’s ethics and values–customers take interest in companies that exceed expectations of “giving back”. As stated by Better Business Journey, 88% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that “supports and engages in activities to improve society.”

According to Simply CSR, winning new business while increasing customer retention are two of the greatest outcomes and benefits of corporate social responsibility.

Want better employees? Become socially responsible

Jeanne Meister, also from Forbes, stated that “Employees now want more from their employer than a paycheck. They want a sense of pride and fulfillment from their work, a purpose and importantly a company’s whose values match their own.” She even mentioned that,  (Check out her article)

In a study conducted by Net Impact, a large portion of employees surveyed went as far to say that they would take a 15% Paycut in order to work for a company who practiced Corporate Social Responsibility! Retention of valuable employees who share the values of the company is a large benefit of practicing CSR. Employees want to feel that they are effecting good in society. Solar energy is a profitable, simple, and responsible way to do so.

Want better employees? Practice corporate social responsibility by installing solar panels.

Why Choose Big Dog Solar?

Established in 2010, Big Dog Solar is committed to bringing clean, renewable energy to businesses and homes while providing spectacular, individualized customer care. Big Dog Solar Energy understands that committing to an alternate power source, either to reduce cost or eliminate them entirely, is an important decision. Choosing a reliable solar energy provider requires gathering all the adequate information in order to make an educated decision. We provide high-quality installations and differentiate ourselves from our competitors by providing a battery backup system that allows for reliable, consistent energy despite the climate.

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